Friday, January 21, 2005

snowball fight anyone?

is the apocolypse upon us or am i just overreacting? the snow still hasn't stopped. well, occaisionally it changes to hail, briefly to rain [just long enough to create ankle-deep slush puddles], a bit of ice. yesterday was nearly a white out. there have been moments when it's struck me as strange and beautiful, the way the flakes linger and dance, quite unlike south carolina snow, tracing everything in white. these moments are fleeting however. and then, on tuesday night, another earthquake. this one not as severe but definitely noticeable. they are scary becasue you never know when they will escalate or be followed by dozens of tremors. aside from all these forces of nature, i'm getting along ok. went to a soccer tournament in saitama last weekend. it's about 30 minutes from tokyo by train so we spent the evening partying in shibuya in the capital. and you are obligated to party all night long because the trains don't start running again until 5:30 am. no problem. saturday night is the debut of the musical i've been working on. we aren't ready but there's nothing to make you put a hustle on like opening night. play? what play? where's my script? i have to sing? who's got the cake makeup? we do get to dance our butts off though which can't be all bad. hope you all have a beautiful weekend.


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