Friday, March 03, 2006

snacky mcsnackerson

before coming to japan i was infamous for my un-sweet tooth. it was rare a crumb of cookie or cake crossed my lips [i’d order french fries while everyone else got ice cream] and even more infrequently would i actually purchase sweet foods. i’ve consumed more sugary snacks here in the last 20 months than in my whole life leading up to moving to japan. while it’s still rare i order dessert, i can’t help but eat all the little snacky things that are given to me relentlessly at work. literally everyday some teacher is walking around passing out cute, individually wrapped, tooth decay. most of them find there way to this drawer until i’m sleepy and a tad hungry and fool myself into thinking a sugar-high would do me good.

and along with this little habit, i’ve picked up a slight coffee addiction. i’ve always savored the smell of the brewing grounds, but couldn’t until recently stomach the sludge. at first i didn’t know where the sugar and creamer were housed so i pretty much just go it black these days too even though i have discovered where the fixins are kept. i’ve recently been trying to replace my joe with daily green tea after reading about its
healthy properties. it lowers the rate of some cancers [including esophageal and breast], helps rheumatoid arthritis, improves immune system function and has great implications for heart health. it reduces the overall levels of cholesterol as well as improving the ratio of good to bad cholesterol and it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease thanks to its EGCG anti-oxidant. as i become closer to the age at which mom died of a heart attack, i am increasingly aware of my need to control things detrimental to and encourage things that are healthy for my heart. bottoms up. no, not the strip club in columbia. i mean on your 5 cups a day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's like that in my office, too, but it seems to be mostly Hershey's, which isn't nearly as interesting (though possibly more fattening). Plus we have this woman who comes by selling these peanut butter crunch cornflake things like EVERY DAY. and they're soo good... but now I have a drawerful of them and I'm not sure where to go from here.

Hmmm - you want a care package of peanut butter cornflakey things?

10:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is just what I was looking for. I did not expect that I’d get so much out of reading your write up! You’ve just got yourself a returning visitor.

9:18 PM  

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