Monday, November 15, 2004

a few new pics...

halloween games at school. this is 'pin the chewed up wad of gum on the witch'. this was the first day i noticed the scars on ayano's wrists. not all together suprising, especially now that i'm getting to know more about the students', their backgrounds and situations.

these are some of the genkiest [genki= cheerful and full of good energy] girls that i teach.

this is sato sensei and i eating loco moco [they say roco moco...l sounds aren't their forte'] at yoshikawa high school's bunka sai, culture festival. sato is my supervisor there.

some of the kids sampling their yaki soba. there were all sorts of food stands, bands, a tea ceremony and art exhibits.

for halloween i dressed up as a m.i.l.f. since this is a family-oriented website, suffice it to say that's kind of a code word for a sexy mom.

i superglued these cookies to the pan; even so, they were all eaten by the end of the night. idiots.

ishiyama sensei, an english teacher, and i dressed up for our english club halloween party. how sad is this...none of the kids in english club showed up. the teachers were dressed and waiting...i think they freaked out cause we were going to make them do a halloween fashion show. everyone even made costumes. haven't seen any of them since. it wasn't a complete loss though. we roped a few students and teachers into playing the games and we ate all the food ourselves. that's testament to the extreme shyness and borderline social disorders that plague some of these kids.


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